Monday, May 14, 2007

A Blog About An Egg

This was a FUN assignment to explain to my family.

My boyfriend and I were talking about the first night of our summer classes on the way home from school Wednesday night. When I asked,

"Want to see my first assignment?" And then I dug the egg out of my purse and held it up.

This is something that I had fun with for a couple of days. Everyone I showed said the same thing, "What in the hell? What do you have to do with it?". I told them I could do anything I wanted. "But what's the assignment, what do you HAVE TO DO?". *sigh* good times.

The idea for the project actually came out of a conversation I had with my mom. Imagine if eggs and people switched places.

Imagine if eggs bought people by the dozen.

To do this project I took pictures of the egg and of an empty egg carton. The rest of the images came from morguefile. I'm not the best at compositing images together, so it was a frustrating job... but ended up looking like the creepy image I had in my head.

**to be honest, this is a replacement egg. I left the original egg in my purse for a whole day in the sunlight... and decided just to throw it away & start fresh**

1 comment:

spyroterra said...

I think you really nailed this project. You have started a journey of seeing sideways and you appear to enjoy it! So do the eggs eat people? What does a scrambled person look like? How do eggs drive if they have no arms? What is the sound of an egg cracking in the woods if there is no other egg there to hear it?